Artificial Intelligence Will Create Jobs

The days of training for one job and performing that job for the next 40 years are over...

Mike Merson

Walmart Just Deployed Artificial Intelligence

Let’s make sure we scan all items at the checkout counter. The AI is watching...

Jeff Brown

Data-Collecting Companies May Have to Pay People for Their Data

Everybody will get “data dividends” each quarter, based on the value of the data they produced...

Jeff Brown

Washington’s War on “Deepfakes”

The ethical questions mankind will face in the next decade will be unprecedented...

Jeff Brown

Why Slack’s IPO Was a Success

The market says Slack is worth 42 times more than its annual sales revenue...

Jeff Brown

Mailbag: The Safety of 5G

You might be skeptical when you hear what I have to say, but please keep an open mind...

Jeff Brown

Facebook’s Cryptocurrency Is a Trojan Horse

The company has already come under criticism for this approach from the tech community...

Jeff Brown

The Holy Grail of Robotics

Robots need to “feel” these things in order to know how to handle them...

Jeff Brown

The Day the World Meets “FacebookCoin”

But I do need to point out one company that’s absent from Facebook’s master list…

Jeff Brown

The Deliverymen of the Future Will Be Robots

Imagine your doorbell rings and a robot is waiting for you…

Jeff Brown