Colin Tedards

Apple Will Be Dethroned And Other Bold Predictions for 2024

Today, I will share forecasts that, if they materialize, could significantly influence your investment portfolio in 2024… starting with Apple losing its lead as the world’s most valuable company.

These Tech Innovations Are Reviving the American Dream

Pandemic-induced supply chain shortages were the wake-up call America needed. Now manufacturing capacity is coming back to the U.S....

Our Automated Future Is Here

Today, I’ll share why automation will benefit America’s middle class as much as Ford’s assembly line did more than...

The Biggest Investment Trend of Our Lifetimes – Part II

Picking up where we left off yesterday, today, I’ll be revealing three of my favorite stocks for playing the...

The Biggest Investment Trend of Our Lifetimes – Part I

I’m excited to announce that I’ll be “unlocking” some premium content and sharing it with readers of The Bleeding...

How I Paid for My House With a Single Investment

The basis of any service like this is trust between the reader and the editor. And with that in...

AI-Powered Innovations Are Transforming Healthcare

Even now in the early days of artificial intelligence, miracles are already happening thanks to the power of AI.