Colin Tedards

It’s Not Too Late to Profit From Nvidia’s Success

There are dozens of small, under-the-radar stocks primed to explode higher as a result of strategic relationships with larger AI companies like Nvidia. But to earn those gains, we can’t wait around. We have to act now… before it’s too late.

The Tech Wars Are Here

The “war” to determine who will gain economic superiority in the emerging technologies of the future has begun. I’m...

Up to 100x Gains on These AI Microcaps

It’s too late to make significant gains on mega-cap AI plays. These companies are already so big, they can’t...

ChatGPT Is Nothing Compared to These “Miracle” AIs

The artificial intelligence (AI) boom is about so much more than software that can help kids write research papers...

How to Supersize Your Profits in the AI Boom

In every major tech boom, a few giant stocks attract most of the attention… and investor money. But then,...

What I Got Wrong About Nvidia

What we know about Nvidia now is just the beginning because it’s setting up a better opportunity to play...

Follow Elon Musk’s $1 Billion Bet

The recent news regarding Tesla and Morgan Stanley is another signal that the AI boom will be bigger than...