Colin Tedards

Zoom’s Failed AI Landgrab

Like countless other companies, Zoom is jumping on the AI tech bandwagon… But it’s going about it all the wrong way... and putting your privacy at risk.

Could AI Settle the Climate Change Debate?

In this mailbag edition, Colin answers your questions about AI involvement in climate science and law. He also explores...

Don’t Fall for the LK-99 Mania

There’s plenty of excitement around superconductivity right now… but investing in hype rarely ever works out.

Gorilla – the Next Step in AI Utility

One of the biggest criticisms popular AI models face today is a lack of real-time utility. But a new...

Would You Use an AI Attorney?

For years, public attorneys have struggled with excessive workloads and lacked adequate time to prepare for cases. But new...

The Beginning of the End for Big Pharma

Billionaire Mark Cuban’s company, Cost Plus Drugs, has just teamed up with grocery retailer giant Kroger to disrupt the...

The “Spooky” Side of AI

In this mailbag edition, readers inquire about the GPU hardware market amid shortages… and how Disney’s share price could...