Jeff Brown

Russia’s Nauka Space Module Sent the International Space Station Spinning

A recent mishap at the International Space Station sent it on a 540-degree spin after a Russian space module’s thrusters activated. Needless to say, a bad day in space casts any bad day on Earth in sharp relief…

What We’ll Gain From the Self-Driving Revolution

Once our cars are able to drive themselves anywhere with no safety monitoring, we’ll see a whole slew of...

Poly Network Hacker Steals $611 Million in Crypto

The latest crypto network hack resulted in the theft of millions in Ethereum, Binance and other tokens. It’s already...

Why We Should Avoid This “Easy” Crypto Investment Tip

Goldman Sachs and other legacy financial players are looking to offer their own cryptocurrency ETFs this year. With all...

The Senate Is Making a Mistake With the Infrastructure Bill

If passed, these requirements are far more onerous on the blockchain industry than compared to the securities industry… And...

Biden Infrastructure Bill’s Crypto Policies Face Backlash

President Biden’s $1 trillion infrastructure bill includes language stating that all crypto brokers must hand over customer information to...

The Next Major Test for Tesla’s Self-Driving Cars

Tesla announced it’s shifting to a completely vision-based system for its self-driving cars. Some skeptics are questioning this decision,...