Big Wall Street Buying Is Key to Market Profits

Jason Bodner
Feb 6, 2021
The Bleeding Edge
6 min read

Note From Jeff Brown: Our focus in The Bleeding Edge is on the latest developments in the world of technology. But today, we’re bringing our readers some special insights from a new voice. Below, Jason Bodner, an expert financial analyst, shares how investors can win by following the “big money.”

Jason honed his skills on Wall Street, where he routinely traded more than $1 billion worth of stock for his clients. But more importantly, his time there gave him a keen eye for how to spot what he calls outlier investment opportunities. He even crafted his own proprietary stock-picking system, which he uses to help investors outperform the markets.

And that system has helped him bring his readers gains like 105%, 285%, 431%, and even 829%.

I’ve followed Jason’s work for three years now, and I have to say that I’ve been very impressed. He shares my mission to “level the playing field” for regular investors. He also knows how retail investors are often kept from the best opportunities to profit… and he’s determined to balance the scales.

So I hope you’ll enjoy hearing from Jason today and learning how he identifies these big money moves…


It all started as a normal $20 million order for one million shares – in one day.

I never would’ve dreamed that it would become the biggest trade of my life…

In 2010, I was the head of my trading desk at Cantor Fitzgerald. And a friend from another big bank called me to buy some stock for a big client. Let’s call it KDQ…

My firm matched big institutional buyers with sellers. So in a few minutes, I found a seller and offered my friend 100,000 shares (about $2 million worth). He bought them instantly.

“Do you have any more?” he asked.

By the end of the day, I sold him one million shares of KDQ – which was worth about $20 million.

And the next day, I sold him another million shares of KDQ. By then, the price was clearly lifting.

The same thing happened the third day. Another one million shares, another lift in the price. And then again on the fourth day…

After about a month, I’d mopped up and sold him every share of KDQ that I could find – about 20 million shares (worth over $500 million).

At that point, the stock had risen 70%. It was making headlines on CNBC.

A few days later, I finally found out who the buyer was: a $20 billion hedge fund. In total, it acquired more than 15% of KDQ by buying 50 million shares through me and my competitors.

That’s when I knew this was something special…

Because imagine how much you could’ve made if you’d bought KDQ before the hedge fund completed its full order…

If you’d bought KDQ on the day of the very first order, you could’ve turned $10,000 into $17,000 in just four weeks.

Here’s why I’m telling you this story…

Wall Street’s Dirty Secret

Allow me to let you in on something…

There’s a small group of people, huddled in dark conference rooms on Wall Street, that know about huge trades like KDQ before they happen. And they profit from them all the time. It’s just a fact.

But if you’re experienced and watch carefully, you can detect early signals when these institutions get started, too.

This massive order, and others that I’ve handled throughout my career, taught me how to recognize these giant trades.

You see, there’s a key difference between when big institutions buy stock and when you or I buy stock.

When we want to buy, we open our brokerage account, click buy, and move on with our day. The entire process takes a minute or two. But when big players want to buy 50 million shares, they have to do so over several days.

The first day, they’ll rush to grab a chunk of stock because they know they’ll move the price higher. They try to “front-load” their orders in the beginning to get better prices.

When this type of buying begins, you can jump in while the big money continues buying for days, lifting the stock higher.

Now, this may sound like frontrunning, which is defined as “using privileged information to act beforehand for your own benefit.” Frontrunning is a very effective and predictable way to make money… But it’s also illegal and dishonest.

So wouldn’t it be great to get a legitimate “heads up” when the big money steps in to buy stock?

Well, that’s my mission…

My goal is to track what these big-money buyers are doing before everyone else catches on.

And then, I clue my readers in on these moves so we can follow them to profits…

Green = Money

To follow the big money, I created an “unbeatable” stock-picking system that can get you as close as legally possible to frontrunning these massive orders.

I used my experience from nearly two decades at prestigious Wall Street firms – regularly trading more than $1 billion worth of stock for major clients – to make sure it’s highly accurate, comprehensive, and effective.

It scans nearly 5,500 stocks every day, using algorithms to rank each one for strength. It also looks for the movements of big-money investors. And when it sees them piling into or getting out of a stock, it raises a yellow flag.

I put these yellow flags through another filter. If the flag turns red, it means the big money is selling. If it turns green, it means the big money is buying…

It’s that simple: When I see green, the big money is buying.

As of this writing, my system has a 91% open win rate, with an average return of 122% per trade.

And it has identified companies like The Trade Desk (TTD) and Paycom Software (PAYC) for my subscribers – both up hundreds of percent since my recommendation.

These companies are what I call “outliers.” They’re the kinds of companies that offer the biggest, juiciest returns out of the entire stock universe. More often than not, this tiny group of companies is what drives the broad stock market higher over time.

Finding Our Edge

Look, when you find an edge like my “unbeatable” stock-picking system, it’s important to exploit it. My system stacks the odds in our favor.

Do we win all the time? Absolutely not. We’ve had our share of losers and disappointments. No one likes losing, but it’s part of the game. In fact, if someone tells you they win all the time, you should run the other way.

The key to my system is, it picks way more winners than losers – and the gains are much bigger than the losses.

With its fantastic track record, my system is truly unlike anything else out there. And I encourage you to keep your ear to the ground on my next idea.

Stay bullish!

Jason Bodner

P.S. As I mentioned, I used my experience from nearly two decades at prestigious Wall Street firms to develop my outlier-spotting system.

It took half a dozen years and hundreds of thousands of dollars to create, but it’s highly accurate and effective.

To prove it to you, I’m planning a special sit-down with Jeff Brown in the coming weeks. There, we’ll take a deep dive into how and why I created my system, and I’ll even give away my latest outlier stock watchlist to everyone who attends. We’ll have more details for you soon. Stay tuned…

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