Don’t Let Politics Get in the Way of Your Financial Goals

Colin Tedards
Mar 6, 2024
The Bleeding Edge
3 min read

Colin’s Note: Yesterday was Super Tuesday…

Voters in 16 states and one territory cast their ballots in the 2024 presidential primaries to decide who they want to run for president… and who they’ll be voting for come November’s Election Day.

At a glance – and to almost no one’s surprise – it looks like we can expect a repeat of the 2020 election with President Joe Biden squaring off against former President Donald Trump.

Regardless of your feelings about the respective potential candidates, you know a few things are certain… it’s going to be dramatic, it’s going to be sensational, and it’s going to be a bad move for your wealth if you let your fear guide you.

I get into the Super Tuesday drama in today’s video… Just click below to watch.

Hello Bleeding Edge subscribers. I hope you guys are having a great day.

Super Tuesday has come and gone. And I think it’s time that we talk about politics.

And look, some of you, this is going to be a sensitive topic, so I’ll keep it quick, but I don’t care and neither does your money.

It sure looks like we’re heading for a replay of the 2020 election. That means a few things.

First, each side will successfully attack the other’s weaknesses.

Joe Biden is too old. He has lost control of the border. And under his watch, inflation has finally appeared on the shores of the United States for the first time in about 50 years.

Donald Trump, on the other hand, is a criminal. He’s a threat to democracy. And he promotes policy that isn’t inclusive enough.

These weaknesses will either go in one ear and out the other… or they’ll consume many with fear about the other guy getting reelected.

Now, don’t get me wrong. The drama is going to be fun. It’s going to be amazing. And I really look forward to seeing how it all plays out.

But at the end of the day, what matters most to me is navigating the next four years and coming out on the other side in a better financial position.

Imagine, in four years, being able to pay off your house mortgage… or pay for your kids’ or grandkids’ education.

Maybe for some of you, it’s boosting your retirement savings – that right now might barely be enough – to a level that’s comfortable enough to help you sleep at night.

These things are achievable. And that’s what we’re going to help you with here at Brownstone Research.

I have many friends who sat on the sidelines of the last two major stock rallies. The first one was under former President Trump… and the second one that we’re going in, under President Biden.

They sat on the sidelines, paralyzed in fear that democracy was going to crumble… or that the U.S. dollar was somehow going to disappear.

Meanwhile, wealthy elites got richer and richer. They know how the game is played.

There’s a competition going on. In politics, it’s for your vote. In business, it’s for dollars. And the last time I checked, if you don’t play the game, you sure as hell can’t win.

One thing I’m not asking is for you to set your politics aside.

There are certainly important issues we’re debating, discussing, and fighting for. But our financial goals don’t have to be left behind.

After all, the people influencing politics these days are often the wealthiest. So, in many ways, if you want the issues that you care about to be heard, discussed, and debated… well, the more money you have, the better.

That was The Bleeding Edge for today. I’ll see you guys again later this week. Good luck with your investments.

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