How to Get in to My Next Private Investment Recommendation

Jeff Brown
May 18, 2022
The Bleeding Edge
7 min read
  • We’re a step closer to curing cancer…

  • Foxconn is playing a key role in the Great Recalibration…

  • This band is taking fan engagement to the next level…

Dear Reader,

If you haven’t yet signed up, there’s just a little more time to reserve your spot at tonight’s special event.

Tonight, I’ll explain why private companies are bucking the trend and going up right now… despite the recent decline in most of our brokerage accounts.

I speak with early stage founders every week, and they are simply not bothered by what’s happening in the public markets.

And ultimately, investors will make fortunes by investing in these companies while they are still private and at their earliest growth stages.

Yet just five years ago, only the insiders and high net worth investors would get access to these private investments. Normal investors got locked out.

Now that’s changed.

And I want to help all my readers learn how to take part in this space – no matter whether you’re an accredited investor or not.

Additionally, I’d like to shine a light on one specific area of the private markets… crypto placements. That’s why I’m calling tonight’s event the Crypto Placements Summit.

These crypto placements offer us the incredible profit potential of the cryptocurrency markets… without all of the volatility. Given the sharp ups and downs crypto is known for, this is an unusual combination.

So for anyone interested in learning more about the exciting world of private investing, I encourage you to sign up for tonight’s Crypto Placements Summit as soon as possible. You can find the link right here.

And there is one nuance we need to be aware of. These crypto placement deals will fill up fast. I have my next crypto placement recommendation lined up for later this week… It’s an incredible company solving a problem that no one in the industry has figured out. 

I expect it will fill up in hours. And once it’s full, it’s full. This recommendation is very time-sensitive.

So please don’t delay. Anyone who attends should be ready to act right away.

CRISPR is curing cancer…

Incredible news on the CRISPR genetic editing front.

A company called Caribou Biosciences just released data on its CRISPR-based T-cell therapy. And the results demonstrate that CRISPR could very well help us cure cancer.

As a reminder, CRISPR genetic editing technology is like software programming for DNA. It allows us to “edit” genetic mutations that cause many diseases.

I am on record saying that CRISPR will help us cure all human diseases of genetic origin… and Caribou’s latest data release certainly supports my prediction.

Here are the details…

Caribou Biosciences dosed five cancer patients with CB-010, its novel T-cell therapy. These patients each had advanced B-cell lymphoma. And each of them previously received other cancer therapies… with no success.

So this was the end of the road for these five patients. CB-010 was their last hope.

Fortunately, the therapy worked fabulously. Four of the five patients went into complete remission. Incredible. And this includes two patients who have now hit the six-month evaluation mark.

And here’s the most amazing part… CB-010 is a one-shot treatment. Here’s how it works:

First, clinicians remove T-cells from the patient’s body. Then they use CRISPR to modify the T-cells to identify and kill malignant blood cells.

From there, Caribou multiplies the edited T-cells. Clinicians edit the cells a second time to keep the body from rejecting them… That’s always a concern when injecting genetically modified material into the body.

Finally, clinicians perform a third edit to remove something called the PD-1 receptor. This receptor slows down the immune system when it comes into contact with cancer cells. So removing it empowers the immune response to be even stronger.

Once these three edits are complete, Caribou then inserts the cells back into the patient through a simple injection.

And that’s it. That’s all it took to send four of five patients into remission.

What an incredible story. I’ll certainly be tracking Caribou Biosciences closely from here.

This is also very bullish for all companies working on CRISPR genetic editing therapies.

Every data release I’ve seen for CRISPR-based therapies has been very positive. It’s clear at this point that the technology works – and it won’t be long until we’ll see the first CRISPR therapies receive FDA approval.

The Great Recalibration continues…

Foxconn, the world’s largest contract manufacturer, just completed its acquisition of electric vehicle (EV) company Lordstown’s manufacturing facility in Ohio.

This is an exciting development. And it’s a precursor of bigger things to come…

As a reminder, contract manufacturing companies like Foxconn don’t design their own products. They manufacture the products that other companies design.

And Foxconn’s acquisition deal with Lordstown will establish a joint venture between the two companies. Foxconn will become the sole manufacturer of Lordstown’s electric pickup trucks.

In addition, Foxconn has a strategic deal in place with innovative EV company Fisker. The two companies plan to build additional manufacturing facilities in the U.S. geared toward EV production.

So Foxconn is quickly establishing a strong EV manufacturing presence right here in the U.S. And I think there’s an even bigger play at work…

We mostly know Foxconn as the company that makes Apple’s iPhones. In fact, Foxconn has been Apple’s go-to contract manufacturer for as long as I can remember.

Let’s think about this in relation to Apple’s Project Titan…

As we discussed last week, Project Titan is the codename for Apple’s secretive EV/self-driving car initiative. Apple has the vehicle design locked down, with an eye on 2025 for its commercial launch.

That means Apple’s next step is to line up manufacturing for its new EV. And who better for the job than Foxconn, Apple’s partner for well over a decade?

I think that’s what Foxconn’s aggressive moves into the EV space are about. The company is positioning itself as the contract manufacturer for Apple’s new EV. That would be huge for the company.

And what’s most exciting about all of this is that Foxconn is focused on establishing factories in the U.S. This is “the Great Recalibration” that I have been talking so much about this year.

Right now, the world is moving away from a highly centralized manufacturing model – prone to supply chain shocks – to one that reshores highly automated, modern factories in America and Europe.

That’s exactly what we are seeing here with Foxconn. The Great Recalibration is gaining steam.

And we’ll all benefit from more robust supply chains as a result.

This popular band is sharing revenue with fans through NFTs…

We’ll wrap up today with an innovative development on the non-fungible token (NFT) front. Popular band The Chainsmokers is using NFTs to share revenue with its best fans.

Here’s how…

First, the band analyzed data from concert sales, music streaming platforms, and activity on the chat app Discord to identify its “5,000 biggest fans.”

Then it gave each of these people a free NFT tied to its newest album, So Far So Good. That happened just yesterday.

And these NFTs aren’t just digital collectibles…

Collectively, The Chainsmokers’ NFTs entitle holders to 1% of all revenue generated by the band’s new album. That means for every $1,000,000 in album sales, NFT holders receive $10,000 as royalty payments.

In addition, the NFTs come with future benefits. NFT holders will receive special access to the band. This includes invitations to future meet and greets and other events.

What I love here is that this has “Web 3.0” written all over it. The Chainsmokers are building economic incentives into their own digital asset network as a means of taking fan engagement to the next level.

And get this – every time somebody sells one of these NFTs, a smart contract will automatically kick back 7.5% of the sale price to The Chainsmokers. This applies to every future sale.

This is clever. The band gave up 1% of album sales to enable these NFTs. But it will gradually make that money back as fans buy and sell the NFTs. In time, these “kickbacks” may exceed the 1% of album sales that The Chainsmokers originally gave up.

To me, this is a fantastic application for NFT technology. My only concern is whether regulators deem these NFTs to be securities.

Given that royalties from album sales flow back to the NFT holders, I suspect they would fall into this category. And that would be very problematic for the project under the current regulatory environment.

So I’m curious to see how this is received. I know it will be a big hit with the fan base, and for the band, but the thing to watch is how this is viewed by the SEC. 

Will the SEC allow for this kind of innovation? Or will it make things very complex and require securities registrations for future NFT offerings?


Jeff Brown
Editor, The Bleeding Edge

P.S. Like I mentioned at the beginning, there’s only a short time left before my event tonight goes live… If you haven’t yet RSVP’d, then please take a second to do so now.

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