Bleeding Edge

The Bleeding Edge is the only free newsletter that delivers daily insights and information from the high-tech world as well as topics and trends relevant to investments.

Apple’s Vision for Augmented Reality Is Here

This new product announcement is significant – it’s the first new product category from Apple since the release of the Apple Watch in the spring of 2015. Such a long gap between new product development is unusual for such a massive, well-resourced, and innovative company like Apple. But Apple wanted to redefine the product category of augmented reality… And...

The U.S. Treasury’s Spending Spree…

On Thursday, I predicted that we could expect a flood of U.S. Treasury issuance in the coming weeks. After all, the U.S. Treasury had been shuffling capital from one pocket to another in order to stay beneath the debt ceiling during the month of May. It seemed natural that the moment a deal had been agreed upon, it would...

What’s Behind the Exponential Growth of Nuclear Fusion

In this mailbag edition, readers want to know why Jeff isn’t investing in a company benefitting from the recent surge of artificial intelligence (AI) and question how close we are to the commercialization of nuclear fusion. And one reader shares their experience with an AI taking their order at a fast food restaurant.

The Fiscal Irresponsibility Act

The latest political drama over the X-date, the date at which the U.S. government can no longer pay its bills, has turned out to be anticlimactic. As predicted, there was a lot of political theater and horse trading, but the U.S. House of Representatives voted for the increase in the debt ceiling 314-117 to get the deal done. Oddly...

What Is it About Billionaires and Space?

The common thread amongst these billionaires is that they’re dreamers. And they’re ambitious enough to want to do things that have never been done before. The best projects have been invested in for more than a decade without any concerns about profitability. Losing money was irrelevant. Succeeding in the mission was what was important.