Bleeding Edge

The Bleeding Edge is the only free newsletter that delivers daily insights and information from the high-tech world as well as topics and trends relevant to investments.

A New Style of Investing is Required for This Market

Put even more simply, a paradigm is the set of “rules” that govern our perception of reality. It’s our beliefs, our framework for understanding the universe. To borrow a phrase from the writer Ben Hunt, it’s the “common knowledge,” the things that everybody knows that everybody knows.

5G’s Mid-Point

It may come as a surprise, but from a technology perspective, we’re only now at the mid-point of the development of 5G standards. I know that sounds crazy. But this is a big year for 5G wireless technology. The current standard that is being worked on right now has just recently been locked down.

Is It Time to Be “Greedy”?

In this mailbag edition, Jeff discusses whether or not now is a good time to invest in the markets. Readers also want to know how resistant a blockchain is to hacking. And Jeff shares his thoughts on small modular reactors (SMRs) as a solution to clean energy demand.

The Bear Market Isn’t Over

As it happens, the Dow Jones topped out at 2722 precisely on August 25th of that year. It was the all-time high for 1987. And it was a level that the Dow would not see again until two years later in August of 1989. I’m sure

Who Got to Musk?

Elon Musk’s replacement as Twitter CEO seems like the antithesis of who he would choose to carry out his vision. But I couldn’t help but think of reasons why a hire like this might make sense. If extremely powerful forces can control governments, institutions, and mass media, they can most certainly control companies and individuals. And Twitter isn’t...