Bleeding Edge

The Bleeding Edge is the only free newsletter that delivers daily insights and information from the high-tech world as well as topics and trends relevant to investments.

Lab-Grown “Meat” Is Much Worse for the Environment

Billions have been spent trying to “grow” meat in a laboratory. The goal, not surprisingly, is “sustainability” and to “save the environment,” which is what made the research so interesting… I think about the production of anything, especially when I’m told that it is “clean” or “sustainable.” Shockingly, lab-grown meat is not.

Generative AI Valuations Are Exploding Higher

Despite the record pace of interest rate hikes over the last 15 months and the general decline in venture capital investments, the generative AI sector is booming. It’s a once-in-a-generation technology… with a once-in-a-generation investment opportunity.

These Jobs Will Be at Risk From AI Soon

An announcement like this is useful, as it provides us with some early insights about how and where large corporations will choose to employ the latest breed of powerful artificial intelligence (AI). Information like this has both investment implications, as well as useful information for us regarding future career choices…

TSMC Expands to the U.S. and Japan

There is a great recalibration of the world’s manufacturing infrastructure underway. After decades of centralizing in one region of the world, we are witnessing a swing back to a distributed, decentralized manufacturing infrastructure closer to where key customers are located.