Bleeding Edge

The Bleeding Edge is the only free newsletter that delivers daily insights and information from the high-tech world as well as topics and trends relevant to investments.

Tim Berners-Lee’s New Internet

It’s a simple idea, but one that’s hard to implement. It’s also an idea that big tech and governments hate as it erodes their control over the unfettered information that “they” all want access to. That’s clearly a sign that Berners-Lee is onto a good thing.

Don’t Bet Against Elon Musk

In this weekly mailbag edition, readers inquire about Apple’s savings account and Elon Musk’s chances of creating a successful competitor of OpenAI. Then, Senior Blockchain Analyst Andrew Hodges discusses a project making crypto transactions faster and cheaper…

Why One of the Godfathers of AI Left Google

The latest developments in AI led Geoffrey Hinton, one of the “Godfathers of AI,” to resign his position from Alphabet (Google). This comes as quite a surprise given how important his role has been at the company. What’s interesting though are his reasons for leaving. And those reasons are also telling…

Don’t Pull a Chegg

When a CEO makes a broad, sweeping statement claiming that a competitive technology won’t be “right anytime soon,” which is clearly not substantiated and the opposite of what is known to be true… the company is in trouble.

China’s Next Move on Taiwan

Mid-April, China conducted three days of military activities targeting Taiwan. Those activities included encircling Taiwan and even practicing ship launched airstrikes from the Eastern side of Taiwan (the side opposite mainland China). Of course, I’m sure we’d all like to think that it was “no big deal” and these were just routine miliary readiness drills… But they weren’t.

The FTC Just Turned a Blind Eye to This Deal

The reality is that in “normal” market conditions, JP Morgan would have never been permitted to acquire First Republic. It is already too big of a bank, and a deal like that would have never been approved by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). But in times of emergency, where a buyer needs to be found over a weekend, the...