Brad Thomas

Playing It Safe With Ground-Lease REITs

Today, we’re spotlighting a very specific type of REIT colleague Brad Thomas put on his readers' radars – ground-lease REITs.

It’s a Good Time to Buy America

Today, colleague Brad Thomas explains why many American companies are full-on reshoring or preparing to make the shift in...

On Integrity

Colleague Brad Thomas shares why when investing in a company, it's important you look beyond the profits to the...

An Open Letter to the GameStop Traders

Making money is great. Keeping it is more important. Today, Brad Thomas reminds meme stock traders of the importance...

The Cybersecurity Industry Needs the Power of AI

As artificial intelligence grows more advanced, so will the cyberattacks plaguing the cybersecurity industry. Today, Brad Thomas spotlights a...

America’s Power Grid Is Getting an Upgrade

Today, income investing expert Brad Thomas shares a way you can profit from the expansion of the U.S. power...

This Income Strategy Can Help You Get on Track to Retire

According to colleague Brad Thomas, your retirement magic number doesn’t have to be out of reach. Even if you...