The Biggest Mistake You Can Make in a Bull Market

Colin Tedards
Dec 15, 2023
The Bleeding Edge
4 min read

Colin’s Note: Talk of a Fed pivot has been dominating the headlines lately…

But that’s not the only pivot you should be watching out for.

Another pivot is coming… And it could cost folks their chance to make a fortune in the months ahead if they aren’t aware and prepared for it.

I call it the “bear pivot”… And it’s the reason why letting the perma-bears get into your head with their doom-and-gloom narrative is dangerous.

I get into all the details of what exactly a bear pivot is… And how listening to the perma-bears may be the biggest mistake you can make in a bull market… in today’s video.

Click below to watch… or read on for an edited transcript from me and my team.

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Today, I’ll be sharing the biggest mistake you can make as we enter the next phase of this bull market. Stick around to find out what you must not do in the months ahead.

Hello readers and subscribers, my name is Colin Tedards. Welcome to The Bleeding Edge.

Over the past few weeks, the stock market has been experiencing an all too familiar surge. Is it FOMO, greed, or what some might call ‘animal spirits’?

Who really knows? But one thing is certain… The talk of the Fed pivot is dominating the headlines.

But what if I told you this isn’t the pivot you should be paying close attention to?

Instead, another pivot is about to happen… And it will cost many investors their chance to make a fortune in the months ahead.

It’s something I call the “bear pivot.”

For years, the talking heads on CNBC, Bloomberg, and even on YouTube have people convinced the U.S. dollar is toast… stocks are doomed… and the near-70-year uptrend in the S&P 500 is about to end.

And let’s be real. The hedge against a total collapse of society here in the United States has cost more people the chance at the American Dream than it’s made anyone a dime.

If you’ve bet against America … you’ve lost. Period.

But that’s not the biggest mistake you can make… It’s buying into the perma-bear narratives.

Because you’ll see… In the months ahead, these perma-bears aren’t going to go into hibernation… They’re going to change their diet.

Instead of feeding you a constant drumbeat of the United States completely imploding… debt spiraling out of control… or China taking over…

The bears are going to pivot.

Bears who were once convinced the dollar was going to zero and WWIII was about to break out will wipe away their tears.

And instead of admitting they were wrong and cost you a chance to make life-changing amounts of money, the bears are going to pivot.

The bears will pivot from doom and gloom to one simple message… Your stocks are now overvalued.

As the S&P 500 reaches new highs… small-cap stocks attract buyers… and woke athletic shoe brands bounce off 40-year trend lines… The bears will pivot.

Instead of money supply or CPI, they’ll be serving up a new theme.

In the months ahead, expect a steady diet of bubbles, booms, and busts.

Look, I get it. The world can be a scary place. I’m a father and a husband. I’ve got water, food, a backup generator, and solar panels that work if the power goes out. I’ve got an arsenal that if I talk too much about it, I’ll probably get my YouTube channel shut down.

That’s what you’ll need if the bear’s dreams come true.

And remember, most of you watching can tell me exactly where you were on September 11, 2001, and in March 2020. And I guarantee it wasn’t logging into your E-Trade account and cashing in your put options for life-changing amounts of money.

The truth is that “doom and gloom” happens sometimes. But the stock market isn’t where you go for protection when it does.

There’s nothing scary about achieving the American Dream. Stocks going down is just a part of that dream.

Protect yourself by having stop losses you regularly update. Take profits. As you get older, take less risk and enjoy the time left on Earth. You earned it.

If you want to grow your wealth and achieve the American Dream, there’s never been a better time to start.

Don’t let the perma-bears stop you from trying. It’s the worst thing you can do in a bull market.

That was The Bleeding Edge for today. Have a great weekend and I’ll see you again soon.

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