Jeff Brown

5G Did Not Cause COVID-19

These sorts of conspiracy theories always show up every time the world rolls out new technology…

Stanford Scientists Publish Research on Smart Toilet Technology

Do we have a vitamin deficiency? Do we show signs of a bad diet? Are there unwanted bacteria in...

Vodafone Reports Six Months’ Worth of Data Growth in Four Weeks

With so many people self-isolating, we’ve seen a huge spike in videoconferencing, cloud-based applications, and streaming services…

The U.S. Is Winning the Race to 5G

But if you’ve been reading the mainstream press, you’ve likely seen headlines claiming America is falling behind…

Startup Celularity Develops Cell Therapy to Fight COVID-19

What really caught my eye here is Celularity’s unique approach. It is applying “natural killer” (NK) cell therapy to...

Why 5G Is a Key Part of Trump’s Agenda

Right now, the major wireless network providers are spending billions of dollars to erect America’s powerful 5G networks…

U.S. COVID-19 Cases Will Soon Peak

The number of new confirmed cases in Italy is already on the decline. The U.S. curve is about 10–11...