Editor’s Note: Today, we introduce a new voice to The Bleeding Edge. Brad Thomas is a commercial real estate developer and investor with more than two decades of experience. Today, he shares his insights to help regular investors find “SWAN” (sleep well at night) investment opportunities.
Read on to learn Brad’s story and how the crash of 2008 turned him into the investor he is today…
By Brad Thomas, Editor, Intelligent Income Daily
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On May 18, 2002, my local paper ran a story about me titled, “Thomas Now Casts His Own Shadow.”
Here’s a snippet of the story…
I had recently left my business partner to strike out on my own and was now the proud owner of a brand-new shopping center, one I’d constructed from the ground up.
It wouldn’t be the last time I built something big or made headlines. I was flying high back then, with every indication that I’d be retiring a rich man by age 50.
Then the housing crisis hit in 2008… taking my house of cards with it.
You see, I hadn’t managed my money well. My investments weren’t diversified. And I’d done nothing to prepare for rainy days.
That left me sitting in the parking lot of that “Shadow” property in early 2009, which I no longer owned. In fact, I no longer owned much.
I was more broke than I’m willing to write even now. I had five children, the youngest was no older than two. And I had no idea how I was going to provide for them.
My wife had asked me to go pick up diapers and milk.
I was sitting in the parking lot of a $15 million property I once developed. I remember thinking, “Why is it that I have just $20 in my pocket and the bag boys – in jobs that I helped create – are better off than me?”
I’m not ashamed to admit that I prayed that day in my car. Or that I got an actual answer.
It wasn’t an easy one. I knew it was going to take hard work and time. But I now had a plan. I just had to act on it.
I retell this story to make a point with you.
If you feel like you’re losing everything in the stock market these days, I understand how you feel.
But it doesn’t have to be that way.
Losing it all in the 2008 crash was a hard lesson, but it made me into the analyst and investor that I am today.
So, I set about capitalizing on real estate all over again. Just this time, it was in a much more intelligent, sustainable way.
I began by reaching out to some of the CEOs I’d met over the years. This included some in charge of real estate investment trusts (REITs), corporate landlords that pay big dividends.
Those connections gave me a unique edge in the new arena I’d decided to break into. My understanding of real estate, from foundation to fulfillment, added another.
We can think of REITs as a way to “own” real estate without all the hassle that comes with owning real estate. And—when we find the best REITs—they can provide solid income for years.
In 2010, I got started working hard and buying into the sector myself. And slowly but surely, I built back my wealth.
It wasn’t flashy. Buying great companies paying solid dividends might not seem “exciting.” But it’s what helped turn my fortunes around and put me back on track for a great retirement.
It can do the same for you…
Today, those efforts and investments have paid off immensely. But it wouldn’t have happened if I didn’t decide to go the “slow and steady” route, even during miserable conditions.
I learned that when you look for well-managed companies that offer what people want in ways nobody else can – you can weather any kind of stormy market.
And that’s why I’m excited to share some big news today…
On Wednesday, October 19, I’m launching a brand-new service that shows you how you can generate income from exactly those kinds of companies – including my favorite REITs.
And here’s the best part… the strategy I’ll share with you actually benefits from increased market volatility. It could set you on the path to reliable, consistent income – exactly the kind that we look for at Wide Moat Research.
I’m so confident in its safety and results, I showed my 82-year-old mother how to do it in her own brokerage account. And she can’t wait to use it again to help boost her retirement income.
So click here to sign up for my event on Wednesday, October 19, at 8 p.m. ET. When you do, you’ll also find out how to access a bonus report I’ve just put together, My #1 Recession-Proof Investment, for free.
Here’s the bottom line for you today: It might feel like it’s tough going at times… But you could find yourself looking back on 2022 as one of the best opportunities life ever handed you.
Don’t let it go to waste.
Once again, click right here to sign up for the even.
Happy SWAN (sleep well at night) investing,
Brad Thomas
Editor, Intelligent Income Daily
The Bleeding Edge is the only free newsletter that delivers daily insights and information from the high-tech world as well as topics and trends relevant to investments.
The Bleeding Edge is the only free newsletter that delivers daily insights and information from the high-tech world as well as topics and trends relevant to investments.