Jeff Brown

“Wireless” Internet Still Requires Fiber Optics

When data is transmitted through a wireless network, less than 1% of that distance is actually transmitted wirelessly...

AI Reduced Drug Discovery Phase to Just 46 Days

AI-driven drug discovery is just the beginning. This will have a tremendous impact on the medical field...

Scientists Reverse Aging in Rat Brains

This is a fairly simple procedure that yielded amazing results...

MIT Studies Robo-Thread Prototype

It’s our first responder for brain injuries...

SpaceX Completes Starhopper Test Flight

SpaceX continues to make massive progress in short periods of time...

The Weaknesses of 5G ETFs

5G ETFs might sound appealing. But when we look under the hood, we see some questionable things...

New CRISPR Research Enables Editing 25 Genes Simultaneously

Researchers predict CRISPR will eventually be able to target hundreds of genes with a single, specialized therapy...